TechSoup Blog

TechSoup Admin Fees to Increase for Selected Discount and Donation Programs

Written by Marnie Webb, Chief Community Impact Officer, TechSoup | Nov 6, 2019 6:03:56 PM

Starting in November, you will notice that we have increased administrative (admin) fees for selected discount and donation programs at TechSoup. We periodically review and adjust admin fees to reflect the fair market value of products and our own costs in managing these programs.

As a nonprofit ourselves, we include admin fees in our offers in order to support the value that we can continually bring to all nonprofits. This helps us provide as many resources as possible to organizations like yours, everywhere. We will continually strive to make sure that these offers will still be made at the lowest cost available to you and will remain at a fraction of their retail value.

In most cases, the increase in the admin fee will be no more than a few dollars per transaction. For example, Microsoft Office Standard will now be available for $39 per license, a change of about $10. 

Certain products from the following programs will be affected by these changes:

We understand the limited budgets that nonprofits work with. Our goal is to make sure that our fees remain affordable and that the value you receive for the fee continually increases.

Why We Have Admin Fees

As a nonprofit, we charge an admin fee to cover our cost to process donations. The admin fee also covers the cost of discounted products and services. In addition, the fees support our programs, services, and education for nonprofits, charities, and libraries around the world.

Your support in this way helps us continue to develop valuable offerings to NGOs in the years to come. These include courses (including the recently launched Microsoft Digital Skills Center), webinars, IT support for nonprofits, blog posts, articles, apps for good from Caravan Studios, and more.

TechSoup remains dedicated to the NGOs across the planet that work to make the world a better place. We hope that these increases do not disrupt your IT operations in any way. If you have any further questions, please contact us at followup [at] techsoup [dot] org.