woman smiling at a computer screen while preparing for end-of-year funding

10 Ways to Get Prepared for End-of-Year Giving

Did you know that about 30 percent of all annual donations to nonprofits occur in the month of December? Not only that, but according to Nonprofits Source, the last three days of the year alone account for 10 percent of all annual charitable giving.

To help you make the most of this critical period, we've compiled 10 effective ways to prepare for end-of-year-giving.

drawing of two women sitting on piles of coins on a cloud with a calendar in the background

1. Start Early and Plan Strategically

A successful year-end fundraising campaign begins with early planning — ideally as early as summer or early fall.

You'll want to develop a comprehensive plan that includes timelines, key milestones, and roles and responsibilities within your team. You'll also want to think about the core message that you want to convey to your audience throughout your campaign — and how to say it. Consider all the channels you'd like to use — email, social media, advertising, events, and so on — and how you can use them most effectively.

We can't overstate the importance of early planning. An early start allows you to build anticipation, making it easier to capture donors' attention amid the end-of-year bustle.

Starting early also gives you time to carefully organize all aspects of your campaign so you don't overlook any critical details.

2. Set Clear and Measurable Goals

To run a successful end-of-year giving campaign, you need to set clear and measurable goals. Well-defined goals provide direction and motivation for your efforts. They also help you stay focused and allow you to track your progress so you can adjust your campaign as you go.

Define specific objectives, whether they are financial targets, a number of new donors, or the funding of a particular project. And be realistic with your goals. For instance, you might not be able to double the size of your donor base during your end-of-year giving campaign, but you might be able to grow it by 10 or 15 percent. A realistic target will feel doable to your staff, which can help them feel more motivated.

3. Segment Your Donor List

Not all donors are the same, so tailoring your messaging to different donor segments is essential. Consider the preferences and demographics of various age groups, donation histories, and organization affiliations. Create personalized communication strategies that resonate with each group. 

For example, you might find that younger donors prefer digital channels, while older donors may respond better to traditional methods like appeals sent through the mail.

4. Leverage GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday, which falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, marks the beginning of the year-end fundraising season. It started in 2012 as a way to give back to charities and nonprofits after the highly commercialized Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And it's a big day for donations: In 2022, $3.1 billion was donated within the 24 hours of GivingTuesday.

Consider creating a dedicated online giving page for this day and using social media, online ads, and email to mobilize your supporters. Use this global giving movement to generate momentum and capture donors' attention!

5. Share Stories that Demonstrate Your Impact

Donors want to see the real-world impact of their contributions, so be sure to share stories of individuals or communities positively affected by your organization's work. Stories, testimonials, and visuals (photos or videos) are powerful tools to convey your impact and create an emotional connection.

These narratives provide a human face to your cause, making it more relatable and inspiring donors to take action.

6. Streamline Your Donation Process

A seamless giving process enhances the donor experience, so make it easy for donors to give. Make sure that your website and social media platforms have user-friendly donation options. And use clear calls to action, such as "Donate Now," and provide secure payment gateways.

7. Maximize Social Media

Social media platforms can be your friends during the end-of-year giving season, especially when used in conjunction with other outreach methods. Engage your audience through shareable content, captivating visuals, and persuasive messaging. Create shareable content to boost your campaign's reach and increase your chances of attracting new donors. Consistency in your social media presence is key to staying top-of-mind with your audience.

8. Get Your Community Involved

Harness the power of your existing donor network by getting your partners, board members, and other community members involved. 

This could include getting a major donor to commit to a donation match. You could also employ peer-to-peer fundraising: Encourage your supporters to become advocates for your cause and raise funds on your behalf through their social networks. This personal approach can significantly expand your reach and impact. (Wanna learn more about peer-to-peer fundraising? Take a look at this blog post from our partners at CauseVox.)

9. Maintain Ongoing Engagement

The end of the year is not the finish line. Instead, it's an opportunity to gain new supporters and foster ongoing relationships.

Develop a robust system of ongoing engagement with your donors. Use automated email campaigns to nurture donors into recurring supporters. Provide regular updates on the impact of their contributions and encourage them to become monthly donors. This sustained connection strengthens your organization and fosters lasting partnerships.

10. Monitor and Measure

Data-driven decision-making is a hallmark of successful nonprofits. And by following the data, you can get a better read on what's working and what isn't. Track your campaign's progress in real time, using key performance metrics to assess which strategies are proving successful and which need adjustment. And don't be afraid of making changes as you go!

Jump-Start End-of-Year Giving

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Top photo: Shutterstock

Originally published: October 26, 2023. Last updated: July 25, 2024.