TechSoup Blog


Using Collaborative Data Collection to Combat Human Trafficking

The anti-trafficking sector needs collaborative data collection. Learn more about the UAS nonprofit’s mission and how QuickBooks Online makes it easier.

July 20, 2021

Impact Stories

Inspiring East African Families to Achieve Cradle to Career Success

Protecting data and streamlining finances is vital for any nonprofit organization. Discover how you can protect sensitive data from threats and malware!

March 30, 2020

Impact Stories Arctera (Veritas)

The Mentoring Program Empowering Young People in South Texas

Discover how Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas is helping children facing adversity through mentoring relationships!

January 07, 2020


How One Civic-Minded Scientist Is Changing the Face of STEM·E Education

Discover how one brave entrepreneur is uplifting underserved populations to take on STEM professions and leadership roles with the help of QuickBooks Premier!

April 30, 2019


Creating a Culture of Empowerment for Girls in Southeastern Ontario

Discover how one nonprofit is actively fighting against social inequities to empower girls and young women to thrive!

March 19, 2019

Impact Stories

How One Nonprofit Uses QuickBooks to Support Young Innovators

FIRST Illinois Robotics, a nonprofit based in Illinois, is helping students to learn new skills through a variety of robotics activities. Learn how they use QuickBooks to accomplish their goals!

February 12, 2019


Closing the Diversity Gap in the Field of Design, One Workshop at a Time

Discover how one nonprofit is using QuickBooks Online to achieve its mission to encourage Chicago youth to become advocates and changemakers in their own communities through design-focused skill-building workshops!

December 14, 2018


Helping Vulnerable Young People Stay on Track

Find out how a foundation is helping vulnerable young people stay on track using the QuickBooks Premier Nonprofit Edition!

November 13, 2018


How a Nonprofit Teaches Entrepreneurship to All Kinds of Learners

Find out how Start-Up! Kid's Club successfully used Intuit QuickBooks Online to cut in half the time allocated to bookkeeping.

August 21, 2018


How Urbanstead Empowers Youth Through Urban Farming

Find out how a small nonprofit from Philadelphia is using QuickBooks Online Plus, acquired through the Intuit Donation Program at TechSoup.

July 10, 2018


How SKJAJA Fund Offers Students Scholarships and a Chance to Give Back

See how SKJAJA harnessed the power of QuickBooks Online to give more scholarships and keep its board members instantly apprised.

June 19, 2018


How Intuit QuickBooks Helps a Nonprofit Build Sustainable Communities

To improve their accounting capabilities, Brian and his FEJ team members made the switch to QuickBooks Online in 2016. Read more!

May 23, 2018