
Anderson Center for Autism

Autistic Youth Learn to Express Wants and Needs with Tech Donations

The Anderson Center for Autism (ACA) has been serving autistic youth and adults in New York State since 1924. The organization began with one student, but it now provides educational and recreational programs to 140 youths and 60 adults. 

To continue its long tradition of service to those afflicted by autism, the organization has learned to embrace technology. 2001 marked the beginning of a major technological overhaul for ACA. A grant made it possible for ACA to acquire only the basics for a new IT infrastructure. In addition ACA received donations of Microsoft Server and SQL software to network the donated computers and laptops. 

The donation of Microsoft Office software is used to raise awareness of the benefits of ACA's approach and as part of its therapeutic programs. Not only have operations dramatically improved but so have the communications abilities of ACA's clients who respond positively to computer use.