
CivilArt Foundation

CivilArt Foundation Lifts Up Work of Hungarian Nonprofit Sector

CivilArt Alapítvány (CivilArt Foundation) was founded in Hungary to promote awareness of the nonprofit sector and support the work of nonprofits through the production of communications materials and sociological research. The CivilArt Foundation also helps nonprofit organizations by providing professional services in the field of service planning, grant application, proposal writing, and organizational development.

The tiny staff of three is always working on multiple projects in support of and in collaboration with other Hungarian organizations. Dealing with many projects and many partners means a lot of information and deadlines to stay on top of. A donation of Microsoft Office and Groove software via CivilTech, a technology donation program of the TechSoup Global Network, helps the CivilArt Foundation stay organized, which in turn helps to achieve its goals of increasing public support and fundraising totals.