
High Performance Sport New Zealand

High Performance Sport New Zealand Helps Athletes Win a Second Career

High Performance Sport New Zealand (formerly The New Zealand Academy of Sport South Island Education Trust) assists talented and elite athletes to achieve tertiary and vocational qualifications while pursuing excellence in sport. In 2010 it awarded 352 scholarships to athletes across 25 national sporting organizations, including Paralympics, Triathlon, Netball, Cricket, and Winter Sports. Its support allows athletes who may have forfeited the opportunity to gain tertiary or vocational qualifications to follow these dreams alongside their sporting pursuits. It also means that athletes do not have to choose and potentially give up their sport before reaching their maximum potential.

The administration of scholarships has become increasingly complex for the growing organization. A large number of payment transactions are necessary to institutions and athletes, as is the uploading of online reports by athletes to help gauge their progress. These administrative tasks have been greatly simplified with the help of Microsoft Office Professional Plus, which was obtained via a donation through TechSoup New Zealand.

It takes a world-class system to help create world-class athletes. And every available tool, including information technology, helps create New Zealanders who can win. And when New Zealanders are winning on the world stage, they are not only role models for health and fitness, but they help create a sense of national pride.