
Learn to Earn

Donated Technology helps South Africa's Learn to Earn Lower Unemployment

Through skills development and job creation, the nonprofit Learn to Earn works to eradicate unemployment and other legacies of injustice in South Africa. With the motto "a hand up not a hand out," Learn to Earn empowers people to provide for themselves and their families. Participants receive training and development in business and computer skills, as well as vocational skills like sewing, woodworking, and baking. The organization has branches in Khayelitsha and Hermanus (Western Cape).

Learn to Earn has trained more than 9,000 unemployed people in market-relevant skills. In recent years they have maintained a more than 75 percent success rate of previously unemployed people becoming economically active. Ten percent of that group started their own businesses.

The organization turned to the TechSoup Global Network partner SANGONeT/NGO Pulse for help when it needed software for its computer training. Microsoft donations provided software for the training center that otherwise would have been out of reach for the organization.