TechSoup Blog


How to Accept Cryptocurrency Donations at Your Nonprofit

Over 14 percent of U.S. adults hold some form of cryptocurrency. By accepting crypto directly, nonprofits can help donors give more. Learn how to do it.

November 11, 2021

Marketing and Communications

8 GivingTuesday Resources to Encourage Generosity and Social Change

GivingTuesday is a global movement that reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and radical generosity. Discover eight useful GivingTuesday resources.

November 09, 2021

Web Development

Food Charities Create Networks of Resiliency with the Tackle Hunger Map

The Tackle Hunger Map shows any charity that is feeding people what its current status is and provides a way to support its needs.

November 04, 2021

IT Security

Ransomware: What It Is and How to Fight It

An expert from Veritas talks to TechSoup about ransomware attacks, how they affect nonprofits, and what to do to protect your organization from them.

October 22, 2021

IT Security

Trust and Security on Zoom: How to Keep Your Meetings Safe

Meeting online comes with a different set of risks than meeting in person. Find out more about them and how you can use Zoom's great security features.

October 18, 2021

Web Development

How Nonprofits Can Use Claris FileMaker to Build Custom Apps

Learn how Claris FileMaker helped one nonprofit, how the platform works, and how volunteer app developers from join::table can help you build a custom app.

October 15, 2021

Graphic Design

A Recap of TechSoup's First Digital Storytelling Mini-Conference

Watch recorded expert-led sessions on how to build a strategy, use the right tools, and execute successful digital storytelling campaigns.

October 13, 2021

Impact Stories

Flags of Freedom: A Spotlight on Global LGBTQ History and Activism

This October, we spotlight two civil society organizations working towards awareness of LGBTQ history and inclusivity for LGBTQ people everywhere.

October 12, 2021


TechSoup Connect: Your New Community Events Program

TechSoup is retiring the NetSquared program but will continue to serve our members with grassroots-led workshops through the new TechSoup Connect program.

October 08, 2021

IT Security

Top 2021 Security Solutions for TechSoup Members

Many nonprofits pivoted their operations entirely online and need to ensure a secure environment. Discover our products to keep your organization safe!

October 07, 2021


6 Ways You Can Safeguard Patrons' Privacy at Your Library

Patrons share a lot of information with libraries. Here are a few starting points to consider about keeping their information private and secure.

October 06, 2021


Celebrating Global Diversity Awareness All Year Round

Celebrating Global Diversity Awareness Month can take many forms. Discover some activities and initiatives that can be done remotely and year-round.

October 05, 2021