TechSoup Blog


How Museums Use AI and Tech to Improve Visitor Experiences

Artificial intelligence is already revolutionizing how museums operate and the way people experience them today. Discover some uses of AI and how it helps!

July 05, 2021


How TechSoup Services Can Support Your Nonprofit

Besides discounted and donated products for nonprofits and libraries, TechSoup offers an entire array of services. Discover some of our most popular offerings!

May 19, 2021

Social Media

Top 4 Reasons Nonprofits Join TechSoup

Technology has become more crucial than ever before. Here are four big reasons to join TechSoup if you are not yet a member. It's totally free to sign up!

May 17, 2021


Job Skills and Resources to Support Our Communities

The Microsoft Global Skills Initiative offers free employment training and certification in the 10 most in-demand and well-paid jobs worldwide. Discover more!

April 27, 2021


Championing Neurodiversity in the Nonprofit Workplace

Find out a few best practices that nonprofit organizations can incorporate into day-to-day operations to develop strategies to champion neurodiversity!

April 26, 2021


The Best Coding and Tech Job Skills Scholarships for 2021

Coding bootcamps allow people to start a career in coding, software, web development. If your patrons are interested in a coding scholarship, read more here!

April 01, 2021


How to Assess Return on Investment for Grant Writing and Management

The grant writing process itself can be extremely valuable to your organization. Find out how you can benefit beyond the award itself.

February 22, 2021


How We Develop TechSoup Courses for Nonprofit Skills Training

TechSoup's courses are designed to help nonprofits learn and use the skills they need to maximize their work. Discover how we develop the courses and more!

February 17, 2021


Public Libraries Promote Digital Careers and Help Job Seekers

Ensuring that training is relevant to the most in-demand jobs has never been more critical. Libraries continue to step up to fill the gap. Read more about it!

January 08, 2021


Crafting a Valuable Internship Experience

In the time of COVID, finding internships for students was not easy. Discover some perspectives on what made a TechSoup internship an enriching experience.

December 22, 2020

Social Media

6 New Year's Marketing Resolutions for Nonprofits

It’s time for nonprofits to set their marketing resolutions for the new year. Discover six recommendations to maximize your effort and impact in 2021.

December 18, 2020


The Wild and Wonderful World of Excel

Discover some creative things you can do with Excel, some Excel mistakes that have caused significant issues, and ways you can spruce up your Excel skills!

December 09, 2020